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BreakThrough Study Group 3 - Practicing Steps 1 & 4

English (US)
2   Weiterbildungseinheiten

Preis USD 50,00

BreakThrough 1 IBA

Course Overview

One of the reasons students do not even try leading a 7 Steps after taking BreakThrough 1 is because they lack confidence. But that rationale is backwards, because this work is not at all about perfection or achieving an end goal or becoming an expert. On the contrary, the whole purpose of the 7 Steps is for you to use them to catalyze your own journey of self-inquiry. “I need to become an expert first” is the very spell that practicing the Steps has the power to break.

The 7 Steps will teach you the most when you find a study partner and regularly practice leading each other. The 7 Steps are a journey, an adventure, not a goal. This is also the purpose of our Study Groups, to support and encourage you on your journey. The more you do the work, the more you will realize the gift of being a beginner, always a beginner.

Esther Veltheim

Esther is co-founder of the Interntional BodyTalk System (IBA). She is the developer of the BreakThrough System, a dynamic process of self-inquiry and one of the key Life Science courses taught under the umbrella of the IBA. Esther conducts advanced workshops in BreakThrough, both internationally and in U.S.A. She also runs ongoing Instructor Training programs for BreakThrough.

Esther is the author of Beyond Concepts: The Investigation of Who You Are Not and Who Am I?: The Seeker's Guide to Nowhere.

“The work of inquiry speaks to something primal in us. When the opportunity presents itself, we are compelled to scratch that itch that tells us to ‘investigate a little deeper.’ ”

– Esther

Course Description

In our first two Study Groups we used a Story that focused blame towards an outer event and another person. In Study Group 3, we work with a story in which the Blamer is engaged in self-blame. This Group works with a story about the compulsion to stay busy. In-depth focus is given to finding a strong Trigger in Step 1 and the questioning process of Step 4.

Note that you do not need to have taken Study Group 1 or 2 to understand and benefit from the material here. While taking each Study Group in sequence will flow well from one to the next, each study group also stands alone.