Why do I need a subscription?
With the purchase of any new course or LiveStream event, you automatically receive 365 days of access, from the date of purchase. To access your course or event after 365 days, a subscription is required. Subscriptions can be purchased month-to-month or you can purchase a yearly subscription.
Your subscription provides you with continued unlimited access to all of your previously purchased online courses and LiveStream events for the lifetime of your subscription. It also gives you access to all course updates.
The more courses you have, the greater value there is to your subscription!
Erweitern Sie Ihr Lernen monatlich
USD 8,95
Monatlich abgerechnet
(gleichwertig USD 107.40/jahr)
  • Access courses beyond 365 days
  • Access to course updates
  • Ability to cancel at any time
Erweitern Sie Ihr Lernen um ein ganzes Jahr
USD 89,50
Jährlich abgerechnet
(gleichwertig to USD 7.45/monat)
  • Access courses beyond 365 days
  • Access to course updates
  • 12 months for the price of 10
  • 10% discount on all courses and events