This presentation from the 2015 Members’ Conference addresses advanced BodyTalk practitioner Gayathri Shylesh’s perspective of BodyTalk as a profound spiritual practice with its footing in the metaphysical philosophies of Sankhya and Advaita Vedanta from India. As BodyTalk has evolved over the years and rapidly changed in the last few years, Gayathri started to observe the movement forward to meet science and present BodyTalk as a healthcare system. Her view has always been that BodyTalk is a metaphysical spiritual system of which the health improvements are a huge bonus. She presents her perspective here, merging it with profound insights from Ayurveda and the Vedic traditions. If BodyTalk as a system of spiritual growth resonates with you, this is a presentation you will not want to miss.
As a lifelong advocate of Mind-Body health, Gayathri grew up in the Middle East and spent time in Europe and India where she learned the Vedic Sciences of Yoga, Ayurveda and other related
esoteric sciences of Meditation, Tantra and breath practices. Her training includes Advanced BodyTalk, PaRama, Ayurveda, Herbalism, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi Gong, Yoga
(in traditional Vedic style), Vedic astrology, Reiki, Tibetan Energy medicine, and Toltec Shamanic practices.
Gayathri’s formal education includes an MBA in Information Systems and Economics. She worked in the fast-paced corporate IT and telecommunications industries for 27 years as a consultant,
architect, analyst and database administrator. It was while she worked in the corporate world that she experienced health challenges that brought her to BodyTalk. She brings the wisdom and
insights gained through her own journey of achieving work-life-health balance to her client practice. Gayathri understands and empathizes with the challenges of dealing with modern day
stresses relating to work, family and personal health in our over-stimulated sensory environment. She recognizes that health is an ongoing journey towards balance and includes multiple
factors beyond just the physical symptoms and a disease diagnosis label. She assists numerous clients and practitioners from many disciplines to integrate wellness with a deeper sense of
connection, compassion and self-awareness within themselves.
"Firmly established in the understanding of the unchangeable, the wise are never affected by the changing conditions of the body during life or after death."
–Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Gayathri investigates how we as BodyTalk Karma Yogis imbibe and inculcate spiritual philosophies into our daily practice. She guides us to understand our role as practitioners from a metaphysical standpoint, as well as our relationship to our clients, our lives, and the lives we touch as one big formula in motion. She discusses the doshas, the gunas, and also the wisdom of the Vedas as embodied in various spiritual godheads. Finally, Gayathri addresses the immutable Laws of Karma in the context of our client practice, and ourselves in the world, and looks at what Surrender and Devotion really means within this framework.