Group Session series offer an opportunity for anyone to partake in a remote pre-recorded BodyTalk session with top Instructors in the BodyTalk System. Instructors tune into the collective energy of all those who will listen in the present or future, providing a session that can offer powerful benefits to anyone who may view the session. Countless testimonials have demonstrated that viewing these sessions at any time and tapping them out can be just as effective as receiving sessions in real time in person. In fact, group sessions are often more powerful because they are amplified by the shared observations and experiences of a large group. Additionally, for BodyTalk Practitioners, remote group sessions increase understanding of important BodyTalk concepts that can be brought into sessions with clients and provide an opportunity for shifts in both the practitioner's and the client's health, consciousness, and perception.
Lauren is a doctor of human sexuality and an Instructor and Advanced Practitioner of the BodyTalk System. Her studies in sexuality began as a student of midwifery and continued with her doctoral thesis researching male sexuality. Her clinical work with couples has helped eliminate the barriers they encounter individually and collectively to satisfying sex, intimacy and communication. She combines more than a decade of work as a sexual coach with two decades in the BodyTalk System to tackle mismatched libido, sexual dysfunction, performance issues, pleasure education, and sexual and relationship satisfaction. |
“Intimacy is a totally different dimension. It is allowing the other to come into you, to see you as you see yourself.”
– Osho
This session will focus on healthy communication in sexuality and intimate relationships. Healthy communication begins by addressing blame in our intimate relationships and the stories and perceptions about our partners and how they have hurt us. This pain from past and current relationships sits in the pelvis as sexual resentment affecting our desire, libido, and pelvic health. After addressing blame, we will touch on fighting and its role in relationships and pelvic health. We will look at the possibility of letting the intensity and passion we feel discharge positively in our relationships and individual energy channels rather than along more destructive pathways. Next, we will go into deep healing and repair in the nervous system around sex and improving the link and communication between the genitals and the heart. Supporting heart-centered communication in our relationships is an important foundation of deepening intimacy and pleasure. Finally, we will address active memories around feeling dumb, embarrassed or ashamed—experiences that can easily hold us back from effective, authentic and empowering communication.