You searched for: "BodyTalk Essentials"

Advanced BodyTalk Protocol and Procedure
Advanced BodyTalk Protocol & Procedures is a must-have course for anyone who has completed Fundamentals. This is your next step on your journey to becoming a rock-star practitioner. Why? Well, each person you see in your practice is complex and unique with their own personal history, attitudes, beliefs, traumas and stresses. This course is all about revealing more advanced formulas so that you can address these complexities with style and, of course, awesome results even in the most problematic of cases. We’re going to be expanding your mind and your concepts when it comes to revealing formulas. Think of this as Version 2.0. In this course, we’re going from basic linking of separate items to revealing much more complex and power-packed formulas linking multiple variables simultaneously. Translation: your sessions are going to take on a whole new level of cool. More...

BodyTalk Essentials
BodyTalk Fundamentals 1 IBA
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BodyTalk Fundamentals for Animals IBA
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BodyTalk Fundamentals Online IBA
Bodytalk Fundamentals 2 IBA
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BodyTalk Fundamentals for Animals IBA
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BodyTalk Fundamentals Online IBA
IBA Membership Required

USD 80.00
English (US)

BodyTalk and DNA
Epigenetics is a leading area in healthcare research today, and most of what is known about it has been discovered only in the last ten years. At the 2013 Members’ Conference, Dr. Laura Stuve gave a brilliant talk on DNA and Epigenetics. Laura uses simple and effective analogies to explain a very complex topic. She also gives us clear and direct practical applications on the subject whether you are working at the Fundamentals level or doing the more advanced work of PaRama BodyTalk. More...

BodyTalk Essentials
Pre-requisites: No
USD 70.00
English (US)

BodyTalk in der Krebsbehandlung
An overview of recent work using BodyTalk in the treatment of cancer. More...

BodyTalk Essentials
Pre-requisites: No
USD 99.00

BodyTalk in the Treatment of Cancer
At the 2013 Members’ Conference, Wilma Grobbelaar and Dale Fox gave an informative and thoughtful presentation on the various facets of dealing with clients who are battling cancer. Educating yourself at a basic level on some of the factors involved in this imbalance will help to clarify the quality of your questions when asking innate for the priority. If you work with clients dealing with any type of cancer at any stage of their treatment, this is a presentation you won’t want to miss. More...

BodyTalk Essentials
Pre-requisites: No
USD 70.00
English (US)

BodyTalk und DNS
An overview of how BodyTalk and DNA work together More...

BodyTalk Essentials
Pre-requisites: No
USD 99.00

CDRRRII Plug-In (Updated)
John teaches the CDRRRII Plug-In as an important formula for all students who have taken Fundamentals and The Advanced Protocol and Procedure. This version has updates. More...

BodyTalk Essentials
Pre-requisites: No
USD 99.00
English (US)

Fortgeschrittenes BodyTalk Protokoll und Vorgehensweise
Alles über den Kurs... ...“Fortgeschrittenes BodyTalk Protokoll & Vorgehensweise”: Dieser Kurs bietet unentbehrliche Information für alle, die den Kurs “BodyTalk Grundlagen” bereits absolviert haben. Es ist der nächste Schritt auf Ihrem Weg zum perfekten Anwender. Warum? Nun, jede Person, die Sie in Ihrer Praxis willkommen heißen, ist eine komplexe und einzigartige Persönlichkeit, mit einer ganz persönlichen Lebensgeschichte, mit Einstellungen, Überzeugungen, wie auch traumatischen und stressreichen Erfahrungen. In diesem Kurs geht es vor allem darum, vielschichtigere Formeln herauszuarbeiten, die dieser Komplexität gerecht werden, aber natürlich auch darum, tolle Ergebnisse zu erzielen, selbst in den schwierigsten Fällen. Was das Enthüllen der Formeln anbelangt, wird dieser Kurs Ihren Horizont und Ihr Repertoire an Konzepten erweitern. Man könnte es auch die Version 2.0 nennen. Sie lernen, wie das einfache Vernetzen von Einzelteilen erweitert werden kann, wodurch viel komplexere Formeln entstehen, die wie Kraftpakete wirken und multiple Variablen in einem Zug vernetzen. Das heißt: Ihre Sitzungen werden eine neue Dimension von „Einfach genial!“ annehmen. More...

BodyTalk Essentials
BodyTalk Fundamentals 1 IBA
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BodyTalk Fundamentals for Animals IBA
Bodytalk Fundamentals 2 IBA
 - or - 
BodyTalk Fundamentals for Animals IBA
IBA Membership Required

USD 80.00

I See You! The Magic and Science of Observation
2017 Members Conference More...

BodyTalk Essentials
Pre-requisites: No
USD 99.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk Sneak Peek
The online PaRama BodyTalk course from Dr. John Veltheim teaches the most advanced level of The BodyTalk System. This course is a sneak peek into the first couple lessons of that course. Course content includes an advanced PaRama Procedures chart with detailed instruction on its content and usage. The course covers in detail: Levels of Consciousness, Quadrune Brain (Reptilian, Limbic, Neocortex, Prefrontal Cortex), Gunas, detailed Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain, new types of formulas involving time variations, recursive, searching, etc., and much more. More...

BodyTalk Essentials
Pre-requisites: No
English (US)

Protocolo Avançado e dos Procedimentos do BodyTalk
This latest version of the Portuguese Advanced Protocol and Procedure course includes the video lecture, charts, and digital manual for the course. More...

Fundamentos do BodyTalk
Pre-requisites: No
USD 40.00

Science and Philosophy of Intuition
Have you ever had the experience where you were faced with a difficult decision and you suddenly get a flash of intuition leading you to one of the options? Or you experience a nagging feeling that something was wrong with a loved one? Sometimes you just know things. You don’t even really know how you know them. Sometimes these things are clear and come with a sense of certainty and other times they seem fleeting and unfounded. Why is this? Intuition is not a magical phenomenon. It is deeply rooted in key physiological processes within the bodymind which are present within everyone. This course explores the key elements of the intuitive process. We will investigate the role of the 5 Senses including what we call the subtle senses, the various states of consciousness, the concepts of mental scaffolding or framework, the difference between daydreaming and imagination and much more. You will leave this course with a clear understanding of the components of the intuitive process and how you can easily apply them in your daily life and your healthcare practice. More...

BodyTalk Essentials
Pre-requisites: No
USD 90.00
English (US)