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A Jornada da Alma: Explorando a Mente e os Três Cérebros
Este é um curso que tem sido descrito por muitos como uma viagem completa de volta às raízes do BodyTalk e ao seu foco original de aumentar a autoconsciência, abraçar a filosofia e mergulhar de cabeça em busca da sabedoria e da metafísica antiga. É um curso que ajuda a preencher o abismo que existe entre a sabedoria antiga e a ciência moderna. Este curso vem para nos ajudar a aproveitar todo o potencial de nossa mente, dos nossos três cérebros e despertar a nossa capacidade de viver uma vida que seja compatível com a agenda da alma. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 400.00

From the time we were infants, we were warned about the dangers of "germs," things that would make us sick. We may have been vaccinated to protect us against terrible viruses. We may have suffered with colds and flus caused by these germs. We may have grown up with antibacterial wipes and other products to scrub our homes clean from these invisible but deadly bugs. We may have learned in school about even deadlier diseases of the past – the bubonic plague in the Middle Ages. Then, fast forward to 2012 when the Human Microbiome Project findings usher in a new paradigm of symbiosis between humans and microbes where the bugs are NOT the bad guys. The work of the Human Microbiome Project has revealed that the human body is actually a superorganism, or complex ecosystem, of human cells living in a symbiotic relationship with 100 trillion bacteria and other microorganisms, collectively called the human microbiome. In this course, BodyTalk founder John Veltheim and Laura Stuve Ph.D., explore the friendly side of microbes and the intricate connection of immune function to our relationship with stress. Discover how some surprising conditions are linked with microbial imbalances, such as asthma, allergies and autism, and understand the incredible complexity and power of the immune system. Join John and Laura for a fascinating journey down the microscope and into the land of the microbiome. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 695.00
English (US)

BodyPsychology - Shoulders, Hips and Spine
The BodyTalk System seeks to address the “whole person.” This means that no aspect of the human psyche can be overlooked, be it emotional, mental, physical, or spiritual. The BodyPsychology series delves into understanding the ‘mental’ aspects of physiology. What is the mentality of the heart, or the shoulders, or any part of the body? And how does that mentality play into disease and illness. Have you ever thought, “What would it be like to be the heart?”. This series of courses will cultivate an understanding of the relationship between physical well-being and psychological well-being of all of the parts of the body. You will experience ‘a day in the life’ of these parts and explore their untold stories. Understanding the psychology of the body will help connect the dots between disease in the body and your life experience. These courses will show you how the body expresses our psychological make-up. This will bring an important shift in awareness for you so that you will recognize how simply profound this concept is. So much so, that you will look back and say “how did I not see that”. The focus of this BodyPsychology course is the shoulders, hips and intrinsic muscles of the spine. More...

BodyPsychology Introduction

USD 360.00
English (US)

BodyTalk Direct
Fill in More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 600.00
English (US)

Eastern Medicine
Eastern Medicine focuses on developing a holistic understanding of the functional organization, interconnections, and most importantly, the relationship between the various energy systems. This will redefine the practical approach to therapy of all energy-based healthcare systems including BodyTalk. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 450.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk - All 8 Segments

Pre-requisites: No
USD 1400.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk - Segment 1
This online course from Dr. John Veltheim teaches the most advanced level of The BodyTalk System. This is Segment 1 of all eight PaRama BodyTalk parts. The content in this segment covers an introduction to PaRama; how to study; the PaRama Exploring Procedures chart; the "Item" box including new concepts like Mind Crystals and Membrane Networks; the concept of "Strategies"; the concept of "Networks." More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 195.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk - Segment 2
This online course from Dr. John Veltheim teaches the most advanced level of The BodyTalk System. This is Segment 2 of all eight PaRama BodyTalk parts. The content in this segment covers the concept of "Repair Systems" including Epigenetics, Brain Circulation and the Brain Ventricles; Brain development during Life Periods; and the concept of "Category." More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 195.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk - Segment 3
This online course from Dr. John Veltheim teaches the most advanced level of The BodyTalk System. This is Segment 3 of all eight PaRama BodyTalk parts. The content in this segment covers the basic CDRRRII; the concept of "Variables" including working with Time, Scope and Parameters, working in Three Dimensions, Time Expansion and Contraction, Dynamic Interactive Formulas (DIF), Search/Retrieval (SR) formulas; the concept of Alternative and Resource Satellites; and the Interactive Correction technique. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 195.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk - Segment 4 & 5
This online course from Dr. John Veltheim teaches the most advanced level of The BodyTalk System. This is Segment 4 of all eight PaRama BodyTalk parts. The content in this segment covers brain parts and their functions; introduction to the PaRama Brain Psychology and Physiology Chart; introduction to the Thalamus Chart; and exploration of Vedic and planetary brain associations. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 390.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk - Segment 6
This online course from Dr. John Veltheim teaches the most advanced level of The BodyTalk System. This is Segment 6 of all eight PaRama BodyTalk parts. The content in this segment covers the concept of "Gunas" (Tamas, Rajas, Sattva) including Guna Life Processes and Physiology; methods for applying Gunas in sessions; and Gunas and Consciousness (individual consciousness, human ignorance, higher consciousness). More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 195.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk - Segment 7
This online course from Dr. John Veltheim teaches the most advanced level of The BodyTalk System. This is Segment 7 of all eight PaRama BodyTalk parts. The content in this segment covers the advanced PaRama CDRRRII; all circulation types addressed from the three Guna levels; and other advanced PaRama pre-built formulas such as Immune System Optimization. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 195.00
English (US)

PaRama BodyTalk - Segment 8
This online course from Dr. John Veltheim teaches the most advanced level of The BodyTalk System. This is Segment 8 of all eight PaRama BodyTalk parts. The content in this segment covers in-depth concepts for the Quadrune Brain including masculine/feminine dynamics; Reptilian Brain functions and behaviors; Triune Brain Pathways; Limbic Brain energies and connections; Neocortex; Prefrontal Cortex associations and Executive Function; interactions of Heart and Enteric Brains; and Levels of Mind (Conscious, Subconscious, Sub-Subconscious, Sub-Superconscious and Superconscious). More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 195.00
English (US)

The Metaphysics of Treating
This Metaphysics of Treating course addresses some of the core philosophical concepts that we must be aware of and understand as BodyTalk practitioners. Up to this point in BodyTalk, we have had conversations about space, time, and the principle of observation. Some of our understandings around these principles are what allow us to facilitate distance treatments as well as things like creating delayed formulas for performance. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 250.00
English (US)

The Practitioner Reflex
This course is designed to be interactive - an environment for you to practice exercises that will develop your ability to bridge your BodyTalk skills with your Practitioner skills. There are four key topics we will be covering in this course. The first is the concept of relationships where we delve into lateral thinking and creative exploration. Then we move onto developing the ability to think on your feet; a valuable skill in both a session and in a public talk. Next is responsibility where we take a look at your expectations and conditioning around this topic along with a short section on compassion and how that plays into acting responsibly. Lastly we shine the light on ways to handle the elephant in the room that is being ignored by both the client and the practitioner. Each of the key topics will be followed-up by a group matrix session done by John to help release any issues that arise during the exercises. The goal of this course is to have some fun and develop your Practitioner Reflex. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 400.00
English (US)

The Soul's Journey: Exploring the Mind and Three Brains
In this course, BodyTalk Founder John Veltheim addresses the concept of universal consciousness by presenting the soul as a functional unit of universal consciousness, one that can be addressed and balanced using BodyTalk protocol and procedures. More...

Pre-requisites: No
USD 400.00
English (US)